Wednesday 1 February 2012

Creativity and Post Production

Give one example of how you used digital technology to be creative in post production. Post production refers to everything you did AFTER filming (Final Cut editing/music/adding sound effects). To do this:

1. Find an example in your film and screen grab it.
2. Explain why this is an example of being creative and why you decided to do it.
3. Explain HOW you did it. Be specific. (This is what I mean by logistics.)
4. Evaluate how well this worked?
5. Lastly, compare this to other work you have done. Is this an example of your progession of a skill? Or a reinforcement of a skill you already knew.

An don't forget: Use technical terminology in your annotations.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Coursework Dates

Monday, 16 January
Final Film due
Introduction to Evaluation

Friday 9 December 2011

Post your contribution

Please add blog entries (at least 2) to show your contribution so far. This could a photo of you filming or editing, a screen grab, research into music, etc.

Monday 5 December 2011

Copyright-free music

Sound Workshop and other Blogs

Two points:

1. Sound. Document your sound workshop. Post photos on the sound workshop and answer the following questions?

  • What did you know about sound technology before the workshop?

  • What did you learn at the CLC Sound workshop? (Equipment and it's use)

  • What decisions did you make with reference to sound equipment? Discuss the process?
    - How well did you do? (What went well? What would you improve upon?)
2. Other blogs: By now, you should be well into your filming. Use the opportunity to gain marks for your contributions to construction. See blogs from last year to get ideas. Some are: photos of you filming, emails, screen grabs from upload film, photos from the rough cut, the rough cut and your feedback.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Upcoming Deadlines

By now, you should have the following on your blog:

- What is a short film (definitions)
- Examples of different types of short films
- Your personal idea for a pitch

This does not have to be all text! Use creative ways to visually show this.

Next, you need to make sure have completed the following this week:

20 Oct

Keep points from your Research

Montgage of your target audience

and an explanation of what each person did


Research into your topic: Initial interviews, organisations research from websites, etc. TAKE NOTES, photos of you interviewing people, emails, etc.

Research your target audience and illustrate it using a range of techniques eg Charts, Graphs, Mood Board, etc

This should include at least one audience survey at least 20 people who fit the audience profile



Key tasks completed for you pre-planning an explanation of what each person did

Pre-Production Planning

Include detailed reference to:

A list of the people you are going interview and a bit of information about them. You may wish to include a photo. Why have you chosen these people? Will they be available?

Prepare a list of questions for each interviewee

Where will you film? Complete a reccy of all of the locations you plan to go to. Include photographs.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Your Individual Idea DUE MONDAY

What would your short doc be about? What would be the purpose?
Who would be in the film? Locations? What type of film would it be? (What would it look like?)
Please include a photo/image for this homework.

Welcome to Dunraven Documentary

Use this blog let us know about the progress of your group--from the pitch to the finished product. Be sure to make regular entries, because this will be used to assess your final planning mark. You can also use the blog get audience feeback on your ideas along the way. Good luck.