Monday, 13 December 2010

How to upload your sound

Here is a good video that will guide you through how to use and upload your sound from the Marantz.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Visit from Patricia at Adobe Youth Voices

On Tuesday, there will be an opportunity to meet Patricia Cogley, one of the head honchos from the Adobe Foundation in California. She is absolutely lovely and has heard so much about your brilliant projects that IT'S NOW TIME TO SHOW THEM OFF !
She will be at Dunraven from 12.15 til 2.15 to see what we are up to.

Please have a look at this Adobe Youth Voices video before Tuesday.

Also, some students will be asked to go to the British Film Institute on Wednesday to present their work. If you are interested, please see Ms Taylor or Mr Dyas. You will need to prepare a 5 minute presentation explaining your work and what has inspired you. 
Date: 8th December
Time: 2.30pm - 4.30pm
Venue: British Film Institute

Friday, 26 November 2010

Mock-up of poster - Homework

Due on Wednesday1st and Thursday 2nd

You mock-up film poster must include analysis of the following:
  • conventions used
  • objects used (size, placement)
  • visual and verbal messages, signifiers
  • representations
  • appeal to audiences (primary and secondary)
  • assumptions you make about the audience (prior knowledge)
  • narrative and genre (and what pleasures are promised)
  • tagline

Friday, 19 November 2010

Deadling for Filming is 3 December!

As you film, you should be uploading footage into Final Cut Express. Camera are due back in on Friday 3 December.

Film Poster HOMEWORK DUE Wed 24 Nov or Thur 25 Nov

  • Research into film poster. Find a film poster (or create montage of film posters) that reflects the genre, target audience and/or style you want for your own poster.
  • Annotate the poster, showing your understanding of the conventions, representation, appeal to audience, etc.  Use this list of questions to help.
  • Blog your poster and annotations
Here are some sample annotations from last year's group:

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Final Evaluation Questions

ON your individual blog:
1. What went well?
2. What would you change? Improve?
3. What have been your individual contributions to the planning and research so far?
Please bullet point your responses.

We will need to blog your presentation (via youtube) on the group blog.

What you need to do to ensure a Level 4 on your Planning and Research

Overall, we were very impressed by your presentations. Some of you have some work ahead of you in order to secure a level 4. Some areas of development:

  • Research into similar media: Have you explained the codes and conventions of short film? Have you explained the codes and convention of the genre you chose?
  • Shooting schedule: Have you organised all actors, locations and timing. Sound equipment will available to pick up after school Wednesday 24 in the Media Suite
  • Animatics: Not all animatics were screened at the presentation. Get your animatic done, youtubed and blogged!
  • Finish your individual blogs and final evaluation.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Presentations and Blogs

It's time to start some intensive blogging. Having just checked your blogs, I am concerned that you will not be able to earn the marks to get you a level 3 or 4--yet I know many of you have been working hard.

Some tips:
Do blogging homework after each Media Studies lesson. You cannot rely on blogging during the lesson. Lesson time is for group work. You can blog more than the required blog entries, so at the end of each lesson, blog something you did. Find a visual to go with it (screen grab, photo of you, found image) and stick it on in order to make your point.

Get up-to-date with your audience research. Everyone should have something about audience research on their individual blogs. 
Make every blog entry visual is some way.
Is your prezi good? If your prezi is just a few words, not images or very brief, it is doing more harm than good. Think of another method or improve upon it. (Same with Powerpoints)

Each individual blog should have link back to the group and back to this main blog. If you don't have one, get it now.
Each individual needs to invite Mr Dyas and Ms Taylor (see earlier blog entry).
Check for comments from us in the comments sections next to blog entries.
Read the assignment sheet we gave you to know what is due next. That is your responsibility!

Good luck and Get working!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Sound Workshop

We have saved the photos from the Sound Workshop in the RMShared Area under Media Studies, A2, 'Photos from Sound Workshop.' For your GROUP entry, state briefly what we did there, what you learned and WHAT EQUIPMENT YOU WANT TO BORROW and WHY. (That last one is the most important. Note all caps.)

You need only a group blog entry for this. You may want to add an individual entry, but that is up to you.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Homework Due by the end of this Week

Don't forget you have blog entries due by the end of the week. Use the Planning and Research guideline sheet located here. (You must log into the Portal to get access to this.)

Useful Websites

Here are a few websites that feature short films. You can also google 'short film' and 'award' and see what you get.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Get started with your Blog

It's time for you to set up your blog. We have already created a Group Blog for everyone. Use the sign in we gave you already to access this.

1. Set up an individual blog using your own email address or group email address.
2. Send an invitation to Ms Taylor and Mr Dyas to be authors. (Go to settings, permissions. Send it to:
3. On your group blog set up a links list for each person's individual blog. Name it: 'Individual Blogs' and for name the individual links like this: First Name's Blog eg. Sarah's Blog
4. Create a links page called Useful Links and create a link back to and
5. Lastly, make sure you are able to sign into the school's portal so you can access documents.

Once you have done all of these things, you may personalise your blog, but do NOT include your surnames or photos--and keep it professional.

Now get blogging!

Monday, 8 February 2010

Final Evaluation

Here are the guidelines for your final presentation. DUE 25 FEB

General Feedback on Commentaries

I enjoyed reading your commentaries and have given you all feedback on your scripts. Here are some general comments to help you improve:

Sound engaged--discuss the decisions making involved
Relate your doc to others
Be more specific
Discuss codes, signifiers, connotations more often.
More on locations (impact on audience)
More on editing!

• This is a typical convention of documentary and often used when ________________
• ____________ was inspired by ___________ (name, year)
• We subverted the conventions by __________________. Whereas most documentaries ______________, we _____________.
• This highlights what we see as the purpose of documentary.

Monday, 25 January 2010

HomeworK: Any Final Edits?

I have responded to all of your blogs. Now you MUST respond to my numbered points.

For each, what are you going to do AND who is going to do it.

All final edits are due w/c Monday 1 Feb.

Good luck!

Welcome to Dunraven Documentary

Use this blog let us know about the progress of your group--from the pitch to the finished product. Be sure to make regular entries, because this will be used to assess your final planning mark. You can also use the blog get audience feeback on your ideas along the way. Good luck.