Friday, 9 December 2011

Post your contribution

Please add blog entries (at least 2) to show your contribution so far. This could a photo of you filming or editing, a screen grab, research into music, etc.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Copyright-free music

Sound Workshop and other Blogs

Two points:

1. Sound. Document your sound workshop. Post photos on the sound workshop and answer the following questions?

  • What did you know about sound technology before the workshop?

  • What did you learn at the CLC Sound workshop? (Equipment and it's use)

  • What decisions did you make with reference to sound equipment? Discuss the process?
    - How well did you do? (What went well? What would you improve upon?)
2. Other blogs: By now, you should be well into your filming. Use the opportunity to gain marks for your contributions to construction. See blogs from last year to get ideas. Some are: photos of you filming, emails, screen grabs from upload film, photos from the rough cut, the rough cut and your feedback.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Upcoming Deadlines

By now, you should have the following on your blog:

- What is a short film (definitions)
- Examples of different types of short films
- Your personal idea for a pitch

This does not have to be all text! Use creative ways to visually show this.

Next, you need to make sure have completed the following this week:

20 Oct

Keep points from your Research

Montgage of your target audience

and an explanation of what each person did


Research into your topic: Initial interviews, organisations research from websites, etc. TAKE NOTES, photos of you interviewing people, emails, etc.

Research your target audience and illustrate it using a range of techniques eg Charts, Graphs, Mood Board, etc

This should include at least one audience survey at least 20 people who fit the audience profile



Key tasks completed for you pre-planning an explanation of what each person did

Pre-Production Planning

Include detailed reference to:

A list of the people you are going interview and a bit of information about them. You may wish to include a photo. Why have you chosen these people? Will they be available?

Prepare a list of questions for each interviewee

Where will you film? Complete a reccy of all of the locations you plan to go to. Include photographs.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Your Individual Idea DUE MONDAY

What would your short doc be about? What would be the purpose?
Who would be in the film? Locations? What type of film would it be? (What would it look like?)
Please include a photo/image for this homework.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Group Individual Reflective Entries

3 Oct What is a short film?
Create a visual definition of examples of short films. Define what you think a short film is? What are the basic conventions? (You may include what others have said—but only as a reference.)

5 Oct Summary of Research

Summary of Research

-Analyse at least 5 short films that would fit the above brief. (Three may be from our lessons) Remember they must feature real people/event. Create a detailed chart or photo montage with explanation.
-Analysis of Narrative
-What are the conventional narrative structures you have found? Relate to theory

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Have a look at this too--after you have read the blog entry below.

What is a Short Film and Short Documentary Analysis

By Wednesday, you should have completed an analysis of at least five short docs. You may use some from the lessons, but it is expected that you will find some new ones. One good website is Media That Matters. Here, you will find short doc about a variety of topics, such as Homecoming. I found this film on Media that Matters, but youtubed it so I could embed it here:

In researching your documentaries, you may want to consider how one-sided they are. Are docs that make it clear what their bias is more truthful than those who claim to be balanced?

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Adobe Youth Voices Evaluation

Hi all. Would you take a second or two to fill in this survey for Adobe.


Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Audience Feedback

On your Group Blog, post the following questions and ensure that your classmates blog their feedback:
  1. What did you think was particularly successful about our film?
  2. What would you change?
  3. Who do you think the target audience is? Do you think we are reaching out target audience? Please comment.
  4. Where do you think you would find a film like ours? (websites, cinema, TV, etc)

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Adobe Competition

If you are interested in applying for the Adobe Competition, you need to fill out your application and get it in by Sunday evening. If you did not have a permission slip signed already, you need to do so. The applications are located in the RMShared Area under Media Studies, Adobe Competition OR if you go to the Photography blog you find this posting with hyperlinks to the application and other forms. Only two students from Dunraven can attend, so there is stiff competition. And now a message from Adobe:

The Adobe Youth Voices Summit that will be held in California in 2-7th August 2011.

The young people who are making projects at our 15 Adobe Youth Voices London sites this year will all be in the running to have this all-expenses paid opportunity of a lifetime and participate at this incredible event, as well as have their AYV project work showcased for an international audience.

In order to be in the aforementioned runnings, you have to complete the following by this Sunday evening:

Two Youth Artist Applications

Permission Forms (for both youth artists) - bear in mind some of you maybe have already completed 2 and 3 below but if you have not please print and send to me asap:

Consent to Apply
AYV Community Permission Form

Good luck and email Mr Dyas or Ms Taylor is you have any questions.

Welcome to Dunraven Documentary

Use this blog let us know about the progress of your group--from the pitch to the finished product. Be sure to make regular entries, because this will be used to assess your final planning mark. You can also use the blog get audience feeback on your ideas along the way. Good luck.