Sunday, 2 October 2011

What is a Short Film and Short Documentary Analysis

By Wednesday, you should have completed an analysis of at least five short docs. You may use some from the lessons, but it is expected that you will find some new ones. One good website is Media That Matters. Here, you will find short doc about a variety of topics, such as Homecoming. I found this film on Media that Matters, but youtubed it so I could embed it here:

In researching your documentaries, you may want to consider how one-sided they are. Are docs that make it clear what their bias is more truthful than those who claim to be balanced?

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Use this blog let us know about the progress of your group--from the pitch to the finished product. Be sure to make regular entries, because this will be used to assess your final planning mark. You can also use the blog get audience feeback on your ideas along the way. Good luck.